Research, Sewing

14th C. Sleeveless Shift – Spiral lacing holes

Now that the bodice and the skirt are completed we need to add the lacing holes.  The bodice will be laced on the side using a spiral lacing pattern.  I have found that this type of lacing holds more firmly than an "X" pattern lacing, especially for someone more endowed like I am.   The first… Continue reading 14th C. Sleeveless Shift – Spiral lacing holes


Sleeveless shift – Skirt

In the previous post, the bodice of the shift was patterned and sewn together.  The next step is to add the skirt. The skirt is easy enough to pattern.  It is merely two rectangles that will be be sewn together at the side seams and then pleated into the bodice.  The finishing touch will be… Continue reading Sleeveless shift – Skirt