
Sleeveless shift – Skirt

In the previous post, the bodice of the shift was patterned and sewn together.  The next step is to add the skirt. The skirt is easy enough to pattern.  It is merely two rectangles that will be be sewn together at the side seams and then pleated into the bodice.  The finishing touch will be… Continue reading Sleeveless shift – Skirt

Research, Sewing

Tudor Smocks

Let's get started making the costume. We start with the base underlayer of the whole thing: the smock. So I used the instructions from the Tudor Costume page for my smock. It is based on rectangular construction, which I am very familiar with as I normally dress in Norse or Anglo Saxon clothing. This was… Continue reading Tudor Smocks

Research, Sewing

And so it begins

My research into my Tudor style clothing for the Magna Faire event took me to some great websites. (From one of the websites I ordered a book to go with the others that I already had.) At first I felt a little overwhelmed when I read some of what I would have to make, but… Continue reading And so it begins